JD "FreeRock" LaRose
      Music isn't just a hobby or a life style, it's in my blood it's who i am.      

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It has been a very long while but, here we are tryna make the best of 2020.

Alot of ups and downs, some days are harder then others. Missing people and normal lives yet here we are, getting lost in what we enjoy.

Rock N roll, till we roll no more.

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6.8.20-4:6:35- by
Hello readers.

We are happy to announce that after a year of in activity we are back to working on the music.
Although we released an EP in later 2016 we spent most of the 2015 and 2016 trying to find a
permanent drummer. The time of inactivity was not wasted as we worked on our skills aswell
as upgraded gear in our guitar and bass rigs aswell as recording gear.

So we are even happier to announce that we have finally found a permanent drummer, and that
these upgrades should improve the quality and sound of our recordings.

We had spent some time during 2016 writing some songs that we hope to finalize and release on
a full length LP later this year.

Keep rocking everybody.

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28.4.17-9:25:36-2017 by Jade LaRose

Well as 2015 comes to an end we wanna thank everyone who has stuck with us and welcome the newest fans and people in our lives. We've had our ups and downs this year but it's been one hell of a ride. We played Quesnels first ever annual Pride event, and released our first music video in October while having different short term drummers and battles with depression. I'd also like to take this time to announce our newest single Rock N Roll is available on Reverbnation

We are currently recording our delayed 2015 album hoping to release in 2016. In the mean time we have a few songs recorded for the album that we are going to release as a sneak peak EP titled Rock Ain't Dead in late January.

We wanna thank you for the great year we've had, we hope to see you in the new year and what it brings us.

JD LaRose - Jagged Knife

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31.12.15-23:25:51-New year new music by Jade LaRose
Hey all you bloggers I posted this awhile ago but didn't go through apparently so I'll post again.

Can anyone guess who's back? Takito Lethal

Takito released his new album Rainbow Apocalypse in April 2015. With songs like Welcome Aboard! opening the album and Cheat Codes For Reality half way through it's for sure an album worth buying

For those of you who do not know, Takito Lethal is an independent artist from Mackenzie BC with ecstatic amounts of energy who I had the honor of meeting and performing at shows with.

Rainbow Apocalypse is available here on itunes
Takito Lethal on Facebook

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7.8.15-11:59:53-More Takito Lethal by Jade LaRose
Earlier this month I posted on facebook some news to come which I will get to in a minute.

After about a month of struggling with tone and sound loss from my guitar, I spent 5 hours yesterday testing every cable that was in the studio aswell as the cables and pedals in my pedal board. My main cable from guitar to pedals sounded beautiful going straight in to the amp aswell as most the other ones. From that I learned that the length of your guitar lead does in fact play a part in your overall sound. After that I looked at my pedals took the best two cables I had and tested everypedal by itself before linking them back together one at a time. While doing that I discovered none of my pedals really did and harm to my tone but a few of the cords just killed it dead.

The discovery I found was that your cables do in fact play a part in your overall tone as well as your pedals. So for those of you who may be struggling with tone loss maybe this will help you

Any way on with news.

In July I had posted on facebook with news to come about an album release which will indeed happen. We are hoping to do a release of an album later this month or in september right now we are working on album name as well as the tracks the final recording and mixing

in the mean time take care and rock n roll :)'

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2.8.15-18:39:49-Guitar cables matter news on 2015 album release by Jade LaRose
Hey FreeRockers,

I am happy to announce Matt "Crash" Seymour has written his first song titled Jagged Knife. The song was written on Canada Day July 1st. It is the first ever co-write between Matt and I.

We are currently working on the album that we hope to release this month via CD and bandcamp for only $10 CDN so if you got the appetite for rock n roll be sure to get yourself a copy. :),

Jagged Knife demo- Crash Vocals

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7.7.15-23:51:43- by Jade LaRose

Would like to thank everyone who came out to Pride day on Saturday aswell as the organizers who planned it

for those who missed our set here it is
Live at Pride

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10.6.15-17:2:29- by Jade LaRose
Hey FreeRockers, guess what we're up to?

We are playing Quesnel BC's first ever Pride Parade on June 6th, if you're near come down to Laboudias park for some free live music from 2-5 pm.

We will be playing originals aswell as some covers so bring your teen spirit and wild hearts if you wanna rock n roll

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4.5.15-21:15:56- by Jade LaRose
What up bloggers happy new years any of you into rap?

Takito Lethal is an independant musician from Mackenzie BC who does everything from rapping, beat mashing, guitar shredding, to live performances with ecstatic amounts of energy.

I met Takito at the Macktown Braingasm in Mackenzie last year where he performed with his band Provoken as well as raping by himself. He is an artist that is always busy working on something whether it be a beat, lyrics or just a simple collaboration. If you get the chance to see him live, don't miss it.

Currently he is working on a new album titled Rainbow Apocalypse which he hopes to release in February

Nobody LP - Itunes

Takito Lethal Live at the Macktown Braingasm

Check him out on Soundcloud Facebook Twitter

Takito Lethal - Dinner and Drug Runs

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Happy December everybody!

I am super excited today that I found out This Side Of Town are nominated for local band/musician of the year woo :)

This Side Of Town are a high energy pop/rock band from Vancouver area who fuse together driving beats and punchy guitar riffs with expressive lyrics. They released their debut 5 track EP #THESTREETS December 22nd 2013

voting for This Side Of Town can be done here

This Side Of Town - How Many Times

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Well I'm back from Macktown had great time worth the two and a half day's of no sleep.

After going through 5 bassist's who couldn't do the gig, I messaged a guy I used to jam with named Matt. I can not lie I am really impressed with Matt he learned an entire set list in 5 days drove halfway to Mackenzie for his very first gig in a bar and was calm the entire time

after reheasing and teaching the songs for five days we loaded up the car and drove 4 hours to Mackenzie, seen a semi on it's side in the ditch, nearly got ran off the road by a guy with dualies being a road hog before finally arriving in Mackenzie. Once we arrived we met Curtis at 7-11 then went to his apartment got guitars tuned ran threw the set list and headed to the office.

First up was Kalvin Harris doing an accoustic set before we took the stage for our set with guest drummer Caleb. We mostly played my newer songs even tho I forgot some of the lyrics (probably due to being up all of the night before). It was really cool as hell we all started off the songs on different beats and timing but somehow ended up on the same beat and timing by the middle of the song. We did my newer more rock n roll songs before Static peace took the stage and scared everyone away haha

Now the after party was the fun part you should have been there while everyone esle was leaving or going to bed me and Curtis kept going till 6 am although he refused to beleive it was anywhere near 6 am

Woke up in the morning to 5 inches of snow we went no where and back to bed till the afternoon. After having Subway for brunner (brunch and dinner) we headed out back to Quesnel where we seen a Uhaul on it's side in the ditch. We Made it back safe and alive no I'm ready for the next gig.

Shout outs to all who were involved in the show, you guys rock. We will deffinetly do it again but with out the snow.

FreeRock on! :),

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What up blogers? I spilled the news via facebook I'd once again be visiting Mackenzie BC to do another show

While the last gig was at the Braingasm this one will be Rock Revelotion at The Office in Mackenzie BC

I will be performing along with Kalvin Harris and Static peace for the 19+ show

In case you missed it the last show featured Acts, Whiskey Fingers from Prince George BC aswell as local punk band Static Peace, metal band Provoken, and rapper Takito Lethal

pictures from the event can be found here

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15.11.14-9:3:13 by JD

  Hello ladies and gentlemen, get ready to rock n roll Sic Addiction way.

During 2013, I seen a real, loud, energertic rock n roll band from Fort St. John B.C. called Alister Stone perform on the friendship stage and reid street stage during Billy Barker Days. The five of them put on an awesome show that screamed rock n roll.

On new years day 2014 it was anounced Allister Stone is no longer an active band. :( However in September 2014 three of the members from Allister Stone (Tryst Insane - guitars, backing vocals Gaz Sood - bass, backing vocals Wade Nyxx - drums) formed a new band with vocalist Chris Rogers and Overthrowing mars - programing, electronics called "Sic Addiction" in Vancover B.C.

Although I have not seen them perform live I can tell you right now if you get the chance don't even think just go, watch, listen and rock n roll, they are not worth missing,

Love Is a Lie - Sic Addiction

Sic Addiction Facebook

Sic Addiction is new hard rock band based out of Vancouver BC. They are Loud, Heavy, Rude n' Angry and will be hitting the Canadian Music Scene Hard.
- Sic Addiction facebook

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Today it has come to my attention I have known X-Ray Gold for nearly three years now. I think it's time I write somthing.

Four months after starting a band that lasted one month I was finishing up my 2012 album VaRious LaRose in 2013 I emailed him saying I needed one more song to feature on the album. We started recording two day's later although all I had was the main riff that started half way through, no lyrics or anything just a guitar riff I had come up with during a jam a week before. We started playing around I began doing some random lead work that had turned into the 3 minute intro that had some cry baby in bit's and parts of it. We then then sped things up after a few second break that launched into the main riff before going into yet another lead driven part before going back into the main riff for a few bars.

After that I went back to JDRose Studio where I added some blues inspired bass leads while thinking of a name for the song. I came up with the name The Edge To Freedom and right then the lyrics came into my head I quickly wrote them down before I lost them. After recording the vocal track I added the talk box mixed it down and emailed him a link to the song.

After that day we jammed a little here and there untill I began working on the 2014 release of Sweet Child EP where he did drums on Letting Go and Ridin' Solo. Three Months later I got a gig in Mackenzie BC for the MackTown Braingasm where me and X-Ray Gold did our first performance together.

The past three years have been quite fun and we're looking forward to more collabs, recordings and performances.

In the words of XG "Rock N' Roll FreeRock Style"

The Edge To Freedom from the "VaRious LaRose" album in 2013.



  It seems it's time to have somewhere other then twitter to post things where i can have as many words and characters as I want.

This blog will be mostly about music but may feature some other things about life itself and hopefully others will be able to relate.



JD LaRose Music
Quesnel, BC

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