Originally a solo act, JD LaRose is now a 2-piece rock band, consiting of guitar and vocalist Jade "JD" LaRose, bassist Matt Seymour. With an appetite for loud n' dirty rock n' roll they bring their own style combined with the passion and energy of the 80's with amps set to kill and lyrics to dig into your soul in ways the audience can relate.
"JD LaRose is a modern day classic, vintage rock n roll band with variety in their sound. The songs range from slower to more lively, from bouncey bass grooves to tasty guitar licks. The guitar solo's flow on a unique blues styled scale, while the drums are loud and consistent." -Takito Lethal
Her interest in music started at an early age listening to various genre's of music and later singing when she was 6 in music class. She played the recorder from grade 4 to grade 7 where her friend handed her his guitar in April 2009 during music class. She found her first guitar on her 13th birthday laying in a garbage pile missing a string and the bridge broken in half. Currently playing anything with strings, Jade achieves her sound through custom or modified guitars plugged into a Fender Mustang II amplifier and a Marshal MG30CFX. One of her main guitars is a JDRose Custom while another more recent, is a stock 2014 Epiphone Les Paul Standard. Aside from fronting JD LaRose, JD plays drums in EsAre67, aswell as builds and repairs guitars under JDRose and is a steady user of JDRose products Jade has been inspired by artists such as Jimi Hendrix, Guns n Roses, Aerosmith, Against Me!, Alister Stone, Sonic Youth, ZZ Top and Avril Lavigne. read more at wiki.cubeyard.com/map/JD_LaRose
Little did he know JD LaRose (a local rock band) would unexpectedly recruit him nine one one to play a gig in small town Mackenzie BC on Bass; an instrument he'd never picked up in his life. Five days and eight songs later the show went on, and while it was tanked due to an unavailable drummer he knew within his heart that this would be the start of an eventful career in the soul filled world we know as rock and roll. Crash is inspired by bands such as Blink-182, Green Day, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, 3 Doors Down, CCR, ZZ Top, AC-DC, Aerosmith, Guns & Roses, Metallica, The Rolling Stones, Foreigner, Twisted Sister, The Who, and Starship |
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